Trident Corporate Services, Inc
1001 Brickell Bay Drive
Suite 2112, Miami
Florida 33131, USA
Certain described services are not offered to the general public in Florida, but are marketed by Trident Corporate Services, Inc, exclusively to professionals and current or prospective non-U.S. resident clients of its affiliated international trust entity or entities.
The Florida Office of Financial Regulation does not provide safety and soundness oversight of Trident Corporate Services, Inc, does not provide any opinion as to any affiliated companies or products, and does not provide the oversight of Trident Corporate Services, Inc’s affiliated international trust entities or the jurisdictions within which they operate. Trident Corporate Services, Inc may not act as a fiduciary and may not accept the fiduciary appointment, execute or transmit fiduciary documents, take possession of any assets, create a fiduciary relationship, make discretionary decisions regarding the investment or distribution of fiduciary accounts, provide banking services, or promote or sell investments.