• Women in ALTS: An Interview with Vetrece Martin

Women in ALTS: An Interview with Vetrece Martin

Following her recent appointment to the board of Atlanta Women in Alternatives, Vetrece Martin, our Head of US Digital Asset Fund Solutions, shares her perspectives on the current challenges and opportunities within the alternative assets industry, the strides towards gender diversity and inclusivity in leadership, and the essential keys to success in such a dynamic industry.

Congratulations on your recent appointment to the board of Atlanta Women in Alternatives. Could you share with us what this role means to you and how you plan to contribute to the organization's mission?

The Atlanta Women in Alternatives group provides a great platform for women in hedge funds, private equity, and real assets to connect, engage and work together. I am so honoured and excited to become a part of such a dynamic and diverse group of women. My primary goal is to contribute in any way possible that fosters the expansion of our networking circle within the alternatives industry here in Atlanta, ensuring continuous growth and empowerment for all members.

As of Head of US Digital Asset Fund Solutions at Trident Trust, could you provide insights into your role and responsibilities, and how your team is navigating the evolving landscape of digital assets and alternative investments?

In my role as Head of US Digital Asset Fund Solutions, my main goal is to deliver top-notch service that is tailored to our digital asset fund clients’ unique needs. That may include administration of anything from a very vanilla centralized trading hedge fund to complex hybrid fund structures with decentralized trading strategies.

As this space is constantly evolving, we are dedicated to staying ahead of the curve. That is why we collaborate closely with auditors, developers and data solution partners in the industry. By working together, we ensure that we are always developing the best practices for administering digital asset funds.

With over 15 years of experience in fund administration, especially in digital assets, what do you see as the most significant challenges and opportunities facing the alternative assets industry today?

While digital assets are rapidly gaining recognition as a mainstream asset class (as evidenced by the SEC’s approval of spot bitcoin ETFs, making them available to a broader investor base), there are still significant obstacles that need addressing. Chief among these are operational and regulatory challenges, such as custody, KYC, and reporting requirements. 

The good news is that the digital asset market is here to stay, ensuring ongoing regulatory scrutiny and evolution. Trident works with clients to help them implement measures and controls within their current practices that are critical to establishing a robust and sustainable fund in the face of ever-evolving regulatory requirements.

Diversity and inclusion in senior leadership positions are increasingly recognized as critical factors for driving innovation and success. How do you see the industry evolving in terms of gender diversity in leadership roles, and what steps do you believe are essential to foster greater inclusion?

Over the years, many firms have implemented DEI programs to address the glaring lack of diversity within the alternative investment industry. While there have been some strides forward, it is clear that there is still a considerable distance to cover. At the heart of diversity and inclusion lies the integration of diverse perspectives, which can lead to creative solutions to enhance business practices and offerings. Hiring leaders who understand the importance of this approach will play a pivotal role in pushing the industry forward in the right direction.

Drawing from your experience, what advice would you offer to aspiring professionals, especially women, looking to build successful careers in the alternative assets industry? 

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to stay up to date with this fast-moving industry, and continually challenging yourself to step beyond your comfort zone. Embracing opportunities to acquire new knowledge and forge connections within the industry is always beneficial. Network actively and don’t be afraid to ask others about their story; connecting with people will always get you far, no matter what industry!